Calculating Compensation For A Human Error Data Breach

This guide will explain how you can seek a settlement after suffering harm due to a human error data breach.

human error data breach

Human error data breach claims guide

In this article, we will discuss data breach compensation examples and explain how to report a data protection breach.

Alongside this, we aim to answer questions such as ‘how much compensation can you get for a breach of the UK GDPR?’ and ‘how long do I have to report a data breach?’

We will also explain what constitutes a data breach and who can claim under the criteria set out by data protection legislation.

You can also learn about the benefits of No Win No Fee agreements. Our advisors can connect you with our panel of solicitors on a No Win No Fee basis if you have a valid claim. To learn more, keep reading or reach out to our advisors by:

Choose A Section

  1. Can I Claim For A Human Error Data Breach? – A Guide
  2. Human Error Data Breach – What Is One?
  3. What Could I Do After A Human Error Data Breach?
  4. Data Breach Compensation Calculator – Potential Compensation Payouts
  5. Why Claim On A No Win No Fee Basis?
  6. Learn More About Claiming For A Data Breach

Can I Claim For A Human Error Data Breach? – A Guide

The UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA) outline the rules and regulations that organisations and companies must follow when handling the data of UK residents. Under this legislation, the parties that may handle your data are:

  • Data controllers: Decide how and why they use your data.
  • Data processors: Process the data on the controller’s instruction.

In order to make a claim for data breach compensation, you must have proof that you suffered harm as a result of the breach and that the breach was a result of the processor or controller’s wrongful conduct. We will discuss these circumstances further in this guide. 

Any information that identifies you is personal data. This can range from your full name to your biometric data, and as a result, personal data can be found in many places, ranging from a pharmacy prescription to your passport. 

A personal data breach is a security incident that causes the loss, alteration, destruction, disclosure or access to your personal information. This can occur both accidentally and unlawfully. 

Continue reading to learn how to claim compensation for your human error data breach claim.

Human Error Data Breach – What Is One?

A human error data breach occurs when the security, integrity, or availability of personal data is affected by an accident or mistake made by an employee or individual.

As we have already noted, not every instance of a personal data breach can become a claim. This is because the UK GDPR sets out specific criteria that the breach must meet to make you eligible to claim. In order to claim you must prove that:

  • The breach includes your personal data
  • The breach has caused you to suffer harm
  • Failings on the data processor or controller’s behalf caused the breach

Some examples of how wrongful conduct could lead to a human error data breach incidents may include:

  • Your employer discusses personal data from your disciplinary records with an unauthorised third party in the workplace.
  • Files containing your personal details are left unattended and unsecured. This allows a third party to steal these files.
  • A receptionist sends an email that contains personal data, such as GP or hospital appointment information or medical records, to the wrong email address.
  • An organisation does not update their cybersecurity systems, allowing cybercriminals to steal information from their networks.

What Could I Do After A Human Error Data Breach?

You may be approached by the organisation informing you that a breach has occurred. Alternatively, you may discover the data protection breach yourself. In this circumstance, you can make a complaint to the organisation and present your findings. You can also ask for more information on the suspected breach.

If you haven’t received a satisfactory response from the organisation within three months of your last meaningful contact, you can report the breach to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). The ICO is an independent body based in the UK and responsible for enforcing data protection legislation.

The ICO can impose fines on organisations founds to be in breach of data protection law. However, they do not provide compensation. To learn more about seeking compensation for a human error data breach, contact our team today.

Data Breach Compensation Calculator – Potential Compensation Payouts

You may suffer from psychological injuries after a personal data breach. This can include emotional distress, depression, and anxiety. UK data protection legislation allows you to seek compensation in the form of non-material damage for these injuries. 

The Judicial College Guidelines (JCG) is a publication used by data breach solicitors to value claims. We’ve added a compensation table below highlighting some of the figures from the JCG that may relate to your claim.

InjurySeverityCompensation EstimateNotes
Psychological Damage (a)Severe£54,830 - £115,730Symptoms are severe and permanent, and affect the ability to cope in daily life. This leads to a prognosis that is very poor.
Psychological Damage (b)Moderately Severe £19,070 - £54,830The symptoms that fall under this bracket are similar to the above, though there is a more optimistic prognosis.
Psychological Damage (c)Moderate£5,860 - £19,070A good prognosis reflects the significant improvement in symptoms by trial.
Psychological Damage (d)Less Severe£1,540 - £5,860Consideration for this award is given to the length of time the claimant is affected and the effect symptoms have on daily life.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (a)Severe£59,860 - £100,670All areas of life will be negatively affected, preventing any function or working at the pre-trauma level.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (b)Moderately Severe£23,150 - £59,860The chance of some level of recovery through professional treatment illustrates a good prognosis.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (c)Moderate£8,180 - £23,150Most injuries can be recovered from, with any continuing effects being non-disabling.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (d)Less Severe£3,950 - £8,180Only minor symptoms will remain after a two-year recovery period.

These figures are guideline amounts only and relate to non-material damage. Keep reading to learn what else you could claim following a human error data breach, or contact our advisors to learn more.

What Other Damages Could You Claim For After A Data Protection Breach?

Material damage relates to the financial losses you sustained as a result of a breach. For example, this can include money withdrawn from your bank account following a breach of your credit card details. Or, it can address damage that has been done to your credit score.

In order to seek compensation for financial losses, you must provide evidence in the form of receipts, bank statements, and witnesses. For more information on how to gather evidence and start the claims process, contact our advisors today.

Why Claim On A No Win No Fee Basis?

You may be interested in working with a No Win No Fee data breach solicitor for your claim. A solicitor from our panel could represent you through a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA).

Usually, a CFA solicitor will not require ongoing fees or upfront costs and will only charge for their services if your claim succeeds. In this case, they will take a success fee from your awarded compensation. This fee is taken as a percentage, and it is legally capped.

To learn more about how a No Win No Fee solicitor from our panel could help you make your claim, get in touch with our advisors today.

Contact Us Today To See If You Can Claim For A Data Protection Breach

Our team of expert advisors can provide free legal advice and free consultation in which they can identify whether you have a valid claim. If you do, they may connect you with a solicitor from our panel.

To learn more, get in touch:

Learn More About Claiming For A Data Breach

We’ve attached some resources to other relevant websites.

You can see more of our guides here.

If you have any more questions about making a human error data breach claim, contact our team today.

Writer Jess Allen

Publisher Cat Harley